R Introduction


Course presentation


This course is an introduction to the basics in R, one of the leading programming language in data science. In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for data analysis in biomedical science. The course will cover the basics of R programming such as R’s objects, data types and functions. It will introduce you to data manipulation, plotting functions, and briefly, to classical statistical tests and R packages. You will learn how to import/export data as well as how to combine, sort and filter your R objects to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. Rather than covering every R skill you might need, you will build a strong foundation to build on. The course will start with a brief introduction lecture. After that, lessons will consist in demo directly in R intermingled with practical exercises for the students.

Aim of the course

To provide an introduction to R language.

By the end of the course, the participants should be able to

   - Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of R language.
   - Describe the basics of R syntax.
   - Describe the basic R programming concepts such as data types, vectors and matrices.
   - Perform operations in R such as creating or importing data frame and other objects as well as
     combining, sorting and subsetting these objects.
   - Make different kinds of plots.
   - Perform basic programming with R.

Target group

Scientists with little to no R-programming experience who wish to start using R for their data manipulation, data exploration or statistical analysis.

Maximum number of participants



ULiege members : 50 euros half a day for a total of 250 euros


Working knowledge of English. Participants need to bring their laptop with a recent R and RStudio version properly installed.

Duration of the course

5 x 4h


GIGA B34 +5, Schwann room


David Stern (GIGA Bioinformatics Platform, ULiège).


  • Catherine Sabatel
  • Eva Hendrickx
  • Frédéric Baron
  • Laurence Fievez
  • Nicolas Pierre
  • Sharon Brembati