This course is an introduction to the basics in R, one of the leading programming language in data science. In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for data analysis in biomedical science. The course will cover the basics of R programming such as R’s objects, data types and functions. It will introduce you to data manipulation, plotting functions, and briefly, to classical statistical tests and R packages. You will learn how to import/export data as well as how to combine, sort and filter your R objects to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. Rather than covering every R skill you might need, you will build a strong foundation to build on. The course will start with a brief introduction lecture. After that, lessons will consist in demo directly in R intermingled with practical exercises for the students.
To provide an introduction to R language.
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of R language.
- Describe the basics of R syntax.
- Describe the basic R programming concepts such as data types, vectors and matrices.
- Perform operations in R such as creating or importing data frame and other objects as well as
combining, sorting and subsetting these objects.
- Make different kinds of plots.
- Perform basic programming with R.
Scientists with little to no R-programming experience who wish to start using R for their data manipulation, data exploration or statistical analysis.
ULiege members : 50 euros half a day for a total of 250 euros
Working knowledge of English. Participants need to bring their laptop with a recent R and RStudio version properly installed.
5 x 4h
GIGA B34 +5, Schwann room
David Stern (GIGA Bioinformatics Platform, ULiège).