9 November 2022 to 14 December 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Contribution List

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Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
09/11/2022, 14:00

Grande salle de réunion, B30 (CRC)

Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
16/11/2022, 14:00

Salle S2 du B7a (grands amphis)

Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
23/11/2022, 14:00

Grande salle de réunion, B30 (CRC)

Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
30/11/2022, 14:00

Salle S2 du B7a (grands amphis)

Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
07/12/2022, 14:00

Grande salle de réunion, B30 (CRC)

Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)
14/12/2022, 14:00

Grande salle de réunion, B30 (CRC)

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