5 speakers, 12 minutes each, managed by Aurora Gasparello and Laurent Lamalle
Mostafa Mahdipour (Research Centre Jülich), "Predicting individual grey matter health from the individual expotype: the role of body health and related life style factors"
Greet Vanderlinden (KU Leuven), "Fibre density and cross-section associate with hallmark pathology in early Alzheimer’s disease Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Department of Imaging and Pathology"
Robin E. Heemels (UHasselt & KULeuven), "The Impact of Aging and Metabolites on Regional Differences in Cerebral Blood Flow within the Occipital and Sensorimotor Cortices"
Claudia Schrauwen (UAntwerp & UNamur), "Longitudinal in vivo assessment of tissue alterations and synaptic density as non-invasive biomarkers for traumatic spinal cord injury"
Antoine Jacquemin (ULiège), "Effects of Tissue-Specific Smoothing Approaches on Statistical Analysis in Quantitative MRI Antoine"