Introduction by Gilles Vandewalle
In this talk, Pieter will provide an overview of the current techniques forclinical knee and will describe past and recent developments in the field,highlighting the challenges in the path to future implementation in clinicalpractice. Topics include (but are not limited to) rapid knee MRI clinicalprotocols, 3D knee MRI, cartilage compositional biomarkers,...
This talk will focus on the steps necessary to bring (renal) functionalimaging biomarkers to the clinic. Pim will guide the audience throughthe different steps, from discovery, validation, and implementation viaclinical trials to clinical use. He will also discuss about the experiencebuilt up in COST Action PARENCHIMA, the ups and downs, and theimportance of multidisciplinary collaboration.
Recent advancements in MRI technology such as Ultra-High field (UHF) MRI at7 Teslas allow for unprecedented exploration of the brain’s mesoscalestructures. They offer insights into how sensory, perceptual, and cognitiveprocesses are implemented in cortical layers. This breakout session will explorethe importance of layer-specific research. It also showcases recent successes...
This breakout session will focus on the translational potential of preclinical MRIresearch in bridging the gap between animal studies and human healthapplications. Featuring three talks that highlight exciting translational findings,we will explore how advancements preclinical MRI can enhance understandingof disease mechanisms, treatment response, and diagnostic precision in...
Recent advancements in MRI technology such as Ultra-High field (UHF) MRI at7 Teslas allow for unprecedented exploration of the brain’s mesoscalestructures. They offer insights into how sensory, perceptual, and cognitiveprocesses are implemented in cortical layers. This breakout session will explorethe importance of layer-specific research and the challenges involved ...
Introduction by Mikhail Zubkov
Elevated brain iron levels are a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases, includingAlzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Although MRI provides a non-invasive means ofassessing brain iron using contrasts like quantitative susceptibility and transverserelaxation rates, these biomarkers often lack specificity. To address this, Evgeniya’swork integrated...