MaRBEL meeting 2025
Friday, 7 February 2025 -
Monday, 3 February 2025
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Thursday, 6 February 2025
Friday, 7 February 2025
Coffee & registration
Coffee & registration
08:30 - 09:00
Room: Academic Hall
Opening comments
Christine Bastin
(GIGA CRC in vivo imaging)
Gilles Vandewalle
Opening comments
Christine Bastin
(GIGA CRC in vivo imaging)
Gilles Vandewalle
09:00 - 09:10
Room: Academic Hall
Keynote: Basic and advanced knee MRI
Pieter Van Dyck
Keynote: Basic and advanced knee MRI
Pieter Van Dyck
09:10 - 10:10
Room: Academic Hall
Introduction by Gilles Vandewalle In this talk, Pieter will provide an overview of the current techniques forclinical knee and will describe past and recent developments in the field,highlighting the challenges in the path to future implementation in clinicalpractice. Topics include (but are not limited to) rapid knee MRI clinicalprotocols, 3D knee MRI, cartilage compositional biomarkers, imaging oforthopedic implants, and developments in short-echo-time (UTE)acquisitions to evaluate rapidly decaying T2 species abundant inligaments, tendons, menisci, and bone (ZTE, bone MRI).
Data Blitz - Selection of submitted abstracts
Data Blitz - Selection of submitted abstracts
10:10 - 10:30
Room: Academic Hall
1 slide & 1 minute per abstract, managed by Denis Patino Rana and Christophe Phillips **List of 16 abstracts** and their number * **2** Short-term caloric restriction or resveratrol supplementation alters large-scale brain network connectivity in male and female rats * **4** Brain representations of numerosity across the senses and presentation format * **9** Stress in pain (STRAIN) MRI protocol: Neural correlates of pain-stress relationship * **12** Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to promote neuroplasticity and memory in ageing: a multimodal approach * **14** The use of Preclinical Pharmacological MRI to Investigate Pathway-specific Dopaminergic Function * **16** Testing the compensation versus differentiation theories by modulating excitability in the motor cortex using non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS) * **20** Impact of Light Illuminance on Locus Coeruleus Activity during an auditory Emotional Task: Insights from High-Resolution MRI Imaging * **21** Externally aligned representation of visual and Tactile Motion Directions in hMT+/V5 and further dorsal stream regions. * **23** Contribution of quantitative MRI in the preclinical detection of early neurodegeneration of fronto-temporal dementia in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis * **25** Bridging electrophysiology and neuroimaging to understand the neuronal correlates of spontaneous thinking and alertness during task-engagement * **27** AURA: Building ‘A User Repository of Artifacts for Perfusion Imaging’ for Quality Control * **28** Habitual napping in ageing; sex-specific associations with hypothalamic integrity * **29** Pre-clinical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease: Locus coeruleus, sleep, genetics and cognition * **31** FRACTALz- Fractal Dynamics as a Diagnostic Tool in Alzheimer’s Disease * **36** The ARIANES Initiative: Integrating 3T and 7T MRI for clinical research * **26** Mood induction by reliving memories – impact on mood state and cerebral perfusion
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00
Room: Academic Hall
Breakout session AM1. Closing the translational gap in renal functional MRI
Pim Pullens
Breakout session AM1. Closing the translational gap in renal functional MRI
Pim Pullens
11:00 - 12:00
Room: Academic Hall
This talk will focus on the steps necessary to bring (renal) functionalimaging biomarkers to the clinic. Pim will guide the audience throughthe different steps, from discovery, validation, and implementation viaclinical trials to clinical use. He will also discuss about the experiencebuilt up in COST Action PARENCHIMA, the ups and downs, and theimportance of multidisciplinary collaboration.
Breakout session AM2. Mapping the layer-dependent organizationof the brain with in vivo MRI in humans
Olivier Collignon
Marco Barilari
Alessandra Pizzuti
Breakout session AM2. Mapping the layer-dependent organizationof the brain with in vivo MRI in humans
Olivier Collignon
Marco Barilari
Alessandra Pizzuti
11:00 - 12:00
Room: Academic Hall
Recent advancements in MRI technology such as Ultra-High field (UHF) MRI at7 Teslas allow for unprecedented exploration of the brain’s mesoscalestructures. They offer insights into how sensory, perceptual, and cognitiveprocesses are implemented in cortical layers. This breakout session will explorethe importance of layer-specific research. It also showcases recent successes inusing layer-specific MRI research to study the visual cortex (its functionalorganization and its response to sensory deprivation). This breakout emphasizesthe promise of layer-specific MRI techniques in advancing knowledge of humanbrain organization and plasticity.
Networking session
Networking session
12:00 - 12:30
Room: Academic Hall
Lunch break
Lunch break
12:30 - 13:45
Room: Academic Hall
Poster session
Poster session
12:30 - 13:45
Room: Academic Hall
Breakout session PM1. Innovative Crossroads: Translating Preclinical MRI to Clinical Impact
Joëlle van Rijswijk
Bénédicte F. Jordan
Shannon Helsper
Breakout session PM1. Innovative Crossroads: Translating Preclinical MRI to Clinical Impact
Joëlle van Rijswijk
Bénédicte F. Jordan
Shannon Helsper
13:45 - 14:45
Room: Academic Hall
This breakout session will focus on the translational potential of preclinical MRIresearch in bridging the gap between animal studies and human healthapplications. Featuring three talks that highlight exciting translational findings,we will explore how advancements preclinical MRI can enhance understandingof disease mechanisms, treatment response, and diagnostic precision in clinicalsettings. Following these presentations, a guided discussion will address keychallenges and innovative solutions in translating preclinical MRI insights intoclinical practice.
Breakout session PM2. The "My data organization is as good as yours" fallacy
Christophe Phillips
(GIGA CRC human imaging)
Breakout session PM2. The "My data organization is as good as yours" fallacy
Christophe Phillips
(GIGA CRC human imaging)
13:45 - 14:45
Room: Academic Hall
Recent advancements in MRI technology such as Ultra-High field (UHF) MRI at7 Teslas allow for unprecedented exploration of the brain’s mesoscalestructures. They offer insights into how sensory, perceptual, and cognitiveprocesses are implemented in cortical layers. This breakout session will explorethe importance of layer-specific research and the challenges involved incapturing detailed layer-dependent data using UHF MRI. It also showcasesrecent successes in using layer-specific MRI research to study the visual cortex(its functional organization and its response to sensory deprivation). Thisbreakout emphasizes the promise of layer-specific MRI techniques in advancingknowledge of human brain organization and plasticity.
Scientific session - Oral presentations
Scientific session - Oral presentations
14:45 - 15:45
Room: Academic Hall
5 speakers, 12 minutes each, managed by Aurora Gasparello and Laurent Lamalle **Speakers:** * **Mostafa Mahdipour** (Research Centre Jülich), *"Predicting individual grey matter health from the individual expotype: the role of body health and related life style factors"* * **Greet Vanderlinden** (KU Leuven), *"Fibre density and cross-section associate with hallmark pathology in early Alzheimer’s disease Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Department of Imaging and Pathology"* * **Robin E. Heemels** (UHasselt & KULeuven), *"The Impact of Aging and Metabolites on Regional Differences in Cerebral Blood Flow within the Occipital and Sensorimotor Cortices"* * **Claudia Schrauwen** (UAntwerp & UNamur), *"Longitudinal in vivo assessment of tissue alterations and synaptic density as non-invasive biomarkers for traumatic spinal cord injury"* * **Antoine Jacquemin** (ULiège), *"Effects of Tissue-Specific Smoothing Approaches on Statistical Analysis in Quantitative MRI Antoine"*
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:45 - 16:15
Room: Academic Hall
Keynote: Mapping the Rusting Brain: Iron-SensitiveMRI Biomarkers for Neurodegeneration
Evgeniya Kirilina
(Max Planck Institut - Leipzig)
Keynote: Mapping the Rusting Brain: Iron-SensitiveMRI Biomarkers for Neurodegeneration
Evgeniya Kirilina
(Max Planck Institut - Leipzig)
16:15 - 17:05
Room: Academic Hall
Introduction by Mikhail Zubkov Elevated brain iron levels are a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases, includingAlzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Although MRI provides a non-invasive means ofassessing brain iron using contrasts like quantitative susceptibility and transverserelaxation rates, these biomarkers often lack specificity. To address this, Evgeniya’swork integrated multiple iron-sensitive MRI parameters with biophysical models and3D quantitative histology to understand iron-induced contrast mechanisms. Thisapproach enables the development of cell-specific MRI biomarkers. For this talk,Evgeniya will discuss a key application of this work: mapping density and iron loadof dopaminergic neurons for the early detection of Parkinson's disease.
Closing comments & Awards
Koen Cuypers
Patricia Clement
Closing comments & Awards
Koen Cuypers
Patricia Clement
17:05 - 17:20
Room: Academic Hall
Brainstorm reception
Brainstorm reception
17:20 - 18:20
Room: Academic Hall