11-15 December 2023
Europe/Brussels timezone

Introduction to RNA Sequencing

14 Dec 2023, 14:00
2h 30m
B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen (GIGA meeting rooms)

B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen

GIGA meeting rooms



Dr Arnaud Lavergne (GIGA)


RNA Sequencing (RNASeq) is one of the most famous applications of NGS/HTS technology. It allows the study of gene expression at the genome-wide level.

During this lecture, we will discuss both theorical and practical aspects underlying the classical RNASeq process. We will also cover some variations of the protocol and different alternative methods. Moreover we will explore important steps in a RNAseq data analysis and describe the input/output files involved.

At the end of the lecture, participants will be familiar with the RNASeq application and the different steps associated. They will be able to explain the key elements/steps to consider in a RNASeq project.

Presentation Materials