CANCELLED! Introduction to scientific computing

from Monday, 20 November 2023 (09:00) to Friday, 22 December 2023 (18:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Nov 2023
28 Nov 2023
5 Dec 2023
12 Dec 2023
19 Dec 2023
09:30 Welcome + Introduction to computer science : historical perspective, computer structure, operating systems & languages - Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
10:00 Data representation & storage: bits/bytes, data format, signal discretization, compression - Dr Mohamed Bahri   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 GIGA-ULiege Mass storage - David Stern   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
09:00 Research Data Management and Reproducibility: good habits for good research - Dr Judith Biernaux (ARD ULiege)   (B-30/0-000 - Big meeting room)
10:00 Working with personal data ? Think GDPR! - Mr Pierre-François Pirlet   (B-30/0-000 - Big meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Data processing in genomics, from the sequencers to the results: data management, pipelines and containers, reproductibility. - Dr Arnaud Lavergne   (B-30/0-000 - Big meeting room)
09:00 Introduction to algorithmic thinking: Different types of algorithms, computer logic. - Dr Mohamed Bahri   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
10:00 Good practices in scientific computing: Code modularity, validation, optimization, documentation - Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Working with High Performance Computing Clusters & parallel processing. - Dr Alice Mayer   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
09:00 Code versioning & Git, an introduction. - Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
09:45 GitHub/Gitlab account hands-on check and explanations (1/2) - Dr Grégory Hammad (GIGA-CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 GitHub/Gitlab account hands-on check and explanations (2/2) - Dr Grégory Hammad (GIGA-CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
09:00 Introduction to AI - Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
10:00 AI demo - Alexandre Hego   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Access to and use of the mass storage - Dr Alice Mayer   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
12:00 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Python basics 1: Introduction + tools - Olivier Renson (ULiege)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
16:30 (ULiège IT resources by the SeGI/UDI’s) TBC. - Mr Yves Wesche   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Python basics 2: Operators, variables, conditions and loops - Olivier Renson (ULiege)   (B-30/0-000 - Big meeting room)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Python basics 3: Data structures - Olivier Renson (ULiege)   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
12:00 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Python basics 4: Functions and Errors Catching - Olivier Renson (ULiege)   (B34/+5-59a - Auditoire Léon Fredericq)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Python basics 5: File I/O, os interaction and exercises - Olivier Renson (ULiege)   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)
16:30 Closing comments + Q&A - Dr Alice Mayer Prof. Christophe Phillips (GIGA in silico medicine & CRC in vivo imaging)   (B34/+5-42 - Grande Ghuysen)