Python Basics

Small Ghuysen (GIGA meeting rooms)

Small Ghuysen

GIGA meeting rooms


It's decided, you seriously want to start coding in Python! Beautiful, this very popular language with an extremely simple syntax will delight you by its varied fields of application. This module of 5 x 2h trainings will teach you the basics of Python scripting. At the end of the formation you will be able to write simple scripts and be familiar with the Python syntax, data types, flow control, file input/output and error catching. This won't make you a Python expert in the blink of an eye but rather give you the tools to start your Pythonista journey and be able to grow independently. No particular pre-requisite is required, but it is recommended to have some basic knowledge of any other programming language or of the command-line terminal usage in order to assimilate the material more quickly. Although it is quite possible to follow the courses in a passive way, it is much better to bring your own laptop to interact and practice live. The participation fee is €80 (ULiege members) for the 5 sessions.

Olivier Renson