Home-work for next week
Chapters to read:
- Chapter 6, sections 1/2 (all) + 4 (advanced) + 3/5/6 (optional) not for beginners :-)
- Chapter 7: sections 1/2/3 + 4 (optional)
- Chapter 8: sections 1/2 + 3/4/5 (advanced)
- Chapter 6: Write functions that return
- the day index since January 1, 2021 based on a date expressed as [dd mm yyyy] (you can assume the date is taken in 2021 to begin with).
- the name day (Monday, Tuesday,...) for a date, expressed as [dd mm yyyy], knowing that January 1, 2021, is a Friday (you can assume the date is taken in 2021 to begin with).
- Chapter 7 : 6, 14, 24, 30
- Chapter 8 : 8, 26, 31